Workflow Creation (ssd governance create workflow)

The ssd governance create workflow command allows you to create a workflow on Sensedia Adaptive Governance.

You can use the ssd governance create workflow command or its shortened version ssd gov create workflow.

For more specific information, refer to the documentation on Workflows on Sensedia Adaptive Governance.


The ssd governance create workflow command can be followed by specific flags, as in the examples below:

ssd governance create workflow [flags]

If no flag is specified, the interactive mode will be activated.

# Creates a new workflow using the interactive mode
$ ssd governance create workflow

# Creates a new workflow using flags for description and team.
$ ssd governance create workflow "Workflow Name" --description "Its description" --team "Its team"
$ ssd governance create workflow "Workflow Name" -d "Its description" -t "Its team"
If your workflow’s name has just one word, it is optional to use quotation marks. Names with more than one word or spaces require quotation marks. You can define a description and team by using the flags above, but the team needs to have been created before you can associate it with your workflow.

Available Flags




-h, --help

Displays help for the command

-t, --team


The team you want to associate your workflow with

-d, --description


The description of your workflow

Global Flags




-c, --config


Configuration file (default: $HOME/.sensedia/config.json)



The configuration profile you want to use (default: "default")


Lists all requests made by the command. It is possible to store this information in a TXT file instead of displaying it on the terminal. E.g.: $ ssd (api-management | apim) list apis --verbose 2> log.txt

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