Flexible Actions

Welcome to the Sensedia Flexible Actions User Guide.[1]

Flexible Actions generates alerts from the monitoring of APIs and events occurring on Sensedia API Platform.

API monitoring is done by regularly checking pre-defined signals, which allows seeing and taking action to prevent potential issues from becoming serious problems. Strategies and tools for monitoring confer predictability and effectiveness, shortening the time needed for preventive actions to be taken and protecting the system from flaws. API monitoring can also be used strategically to support business decisions, helping to assess whether API consumption goals are being met.

In turn, Platform-event alerts are notifications triggered when a certain action that the user wants to monitor happens in the Platform — such as the creation, edition or deletion of objects (APIs, apps, users…​).

The main objetive of Flexible Actions is to help you monitor your APIs and Platform through a code-free interface which is intuitive and easy to use. This leads to reduced operation risks, gives you valuable business insights and helps you find the time and resources to focus on the strategic business decisions that impact your company the most.

1. This document is the property of Sensedia. It should not be used for commercial purposes, nor reproduced, partly or in its entirety, without our explicit authorization.
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