How to search apps and access tokens with extra fields?

In apps and access tokens you can add multiple keys with their respective values in extra fields.

Therefore, through these fields you can search for apps and access tokens by HTTP requests to the API Manager.

To search for apps and/or access tokens, it is necessary to add a query param in key:value format to the GET HTTP request.

It is not possible to search with values that are a URL or that contain :.

When the search for apps or access tokens is done with more than one extra field, it works like a logical operator AND.

That is, the search will return only the results that contain all the keys and values specified in query params during the request.

For example, a GET request for apps is made with the following query params: key1:value1 and key2:value2.

This request will fetch only the apps that contain key1:value1 and key2:value2.

The same is true for requests for access tokens with extra fields.

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