How can I restrict IP addresses?

Check out the steps below to:

  • Allow only requests coming from one or more IPs (blocking requests from all other IPs);

  • Block requests coming from one or more IPs;

  • Make a combination to allow and block at the same time.

See also our user guide page on the IP filtering interceptor.

Interceptor IP Filtering (allow)

Here’s an example of how to configure the IP Filtering interceptor to only allow requests coming from an IP address or a range of addresses.

If you prefer, see the video with the steps below.

  1. Access the API Catalog from the side menu API Design > API Catalog.

  2. Click the card or line for the desired API. If necessary, use the search fields and click SEARCH.

  3. On the screen that opens, check the name of the API, scroll down until you find Flow and click EDIT.
    detail of the API overview screen

  4. In the Security tab, locate the IP Filtering interceptor. Click and drag it into the request flow.

  5. Under Type, select ALLOW_LIST.

  6. Enter an IP number (e.g., an IP range (e.g. or a combination of the two. For the combination, enter the individual IP numbers and the IP range, informing one element per line, with no other separator.
    example of list having individual IP numbers and a range of IP addresses

  7. When you have finished entering the IP addresses, click SAVE.

  8. If necessary, configure other interceptors. When you have finished, click CONTINUE.

  9. Click SAVE or SAVE AS NEW REVISION to save the revision. screen detail showing the buttons to save the revision

IP Filtering interceptor (block)

Here’s an example of how to configure the IP Filtering interceptor to block requests coming from an IP address or a range of addresses.

If you prefer, see the video with the steps below.

  1. Access the API Catalog from the side menu API Design > API Catalog.

  2. Click the card or line for the desired API. If necessary, use the search fields and click SEARCH.

  3. On the screen that opens, check the name of the API, scroll down until you find Flow and click EDIT.
    detail of API overview screen

  4. In the Security tab, locate the IP Filtering interceptor. Click and drag it into the request flow.

  5. Under Type, select BLOCK_LIST.

  6. Enter an IP number (e.g., an IP range (e.g. or a combination of the two. For the combination, enter the individual IP numbers and the IP range, informing one element per line, without another separator.
    example of list having individual IP numbers and a range of IP addresses

  7. When you are finished entering the IP addresses, click SAVE.

  8. If necessary, configure other interceptors. When you are finished, click CONTINUE.

  9. Click on SAVE or SAVE AS NEW REVISION to save the revision. screen detail showing the buttons to save the revision

Interceptor IP Filtering (allow and block)

If you prefer, see the video with the steps below.

  1. Follow the steps to configure an IP filtering interceptor to allow requests coming from one or more specific IPs.

  2. Follow the steps to configure an IP filtering interceptor to block the requests coming from one or more specific IPs.

Understand the operation of these interceptors in the example in the user guide or see the video at 01:51.

The video shows the same steps described above to configure the IP Filtering Interceptor:

00:00 Introduction
00:15 How to access the area to configure the interceptors
00:40 IP Filtering
01:03 ALLOW List
01:41 BLOCK List
01:51 ALLOW and BLOCK List

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