Sensedia Ecosystem

Within the Sensedia Platform universe, our products converge and complement each other to offer a complete experience of API integration and management. At the core of this ecosystem is the API Management. Here, you can create, deploy, document, and monitor your APIs.

The Sensedia API Management has two main components:

  • API Gateway, which ensures the data plane, meaning the passing of data from client to server and back.

  • API Manager, which allows you to design API flows and deploy them.

ecosystem sensedia

Full journey

We ensure a complete API journey by integrating with various modules of the Sensedia Platform. You can:

  1. Analyze metrics and export request data from your APIs through Sensedia Analytics.

  2. Document APIs via Swagger in the API Management and publish them through the Developer Portal.

  3. Receive monitoring alerts for your APIs and API Management functioning with Flexible Actions.

  4. Ensure best practices and consistency in the lifecycle of your APIs with Adaptive Governance.

  5. Distribute real-time events to subscribers with Events Hub.

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