Creating Access Tokens
To register a new access token, click on the button Create Access Token , in the lower right corner of the Access Tokens page.
A wizard will be enabled to facilitate the process, which contains three steps: Basic info, APIs and Plans, Overview.
The first is the Overview screen, where the following fields must be completed:

Owner: field to include the token’s owner’s name. For the owner to have access to the code, even if they do not have clearance to access the client secret, it is necessary to inform the user’s login or email.
Code: access code that the token will carry. You can set a value, using a combination of numbers and/or letters, or leave the field empty. In the latter case, the code will be automatically generated.
App: the field is used to link the access token to an existing app. It has an autocomplete function that returns the apps registered on the system to facilitate the selection.
Status: shows the token’s status, which can be active, when it is enabled for use in calls, expired or revoked, that is, disabled for calls. This field cannot be selected when creating or editing a token; the status is automatically attributed (read about how to revoke tokens on the following page).
Expires In: field to define the token’s expiration time in seconds. It may be left blank, and then either the default system value or the access token expiration value inserted in the registration data of the associated API, if it exists, will be applied. If the value inserted in this field is not the same of the value inserted in the registration of the API, the latter will be applied.
Extra Fields: a series of additional fields that may be used to complement the information of an access token. E.g., if a token has a
or askuId
, these data can be added here.
It isn’t possible to have 2 Extra Fields with the same key, you must delete the existing one before using the key again. |
APIs and Plans
In the second step, you must choose the API that the access token will be associated with, via API plans.
The APIs available in your Manager will be arranged in cards, ordered by the last API change. By default, the screen will display 12 cards, you can change the number of cards displayed by clicking on the Show button at the bottom of the screen (scroll to the bottom). You can also jump to the next page of the APIs with the Next button or to the previous page with the Prev button. To jump to a specific page, type in the page number and click Jump to page.

You can select the API from the cards listing or use the search field to filter the APIs by name, which makes it easier to find the desired API if you have many registered. You can clear the current search by clicking on the Clear button, in which case the initial cards listing will be displayed again.
To select an API, simply choose one plan or all plans by clicking Select All Plans inside the API card, after which the chosen API and Plan will become active and saved. You can select multiple APIs for your Access token, the chosen ones will be displayed in the Current Plans and APIS section above the search field, with the indication of the selected plans inside the card.
If no API (and consequently no plan) is selected, the token will be created, but will not be associated with any API. You can link the app to an API later, via token editing.
Once you have chosen the desired APIs and plans, click on the button Publish your Access token in the lower right corner, and your App will be published and you will be directed to the Overview screen.
The third and last step is the Overview screen:

The screen displays all the data entered during app creation including the chosen APIs and plans. The Code and Refresh Token can be copied to the clipboard by clicking the icon next to them. If you want to change any information in the token, simply click the desired step via the top bar of the wizard and perform the edition.
To finish the wizard and save your Access token, just click the Done button and you will be directed to the token list.
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