Oracle 19c

Table of requirements and performance

Connector type Minimum requirements Required fields Performance

Oracle 19c - BETA version

Driver version:

Check the database versions supported by the driver in the official documentation.

Example with AWS instance:

  • Type: t2.nano

  • OS: Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03 (Fedora)

  • Memory: 500 MB

  • CPU: 1 vCPU

  • Storage: 8 GiB

The minimum startup memory is 100 MB (which supports 25 requests/second).

  • Owner: <owner>¹

  • Connection string: check which properties can be used in the official documentation.

    • Examples:



¹The "owner" is the intended database schema. If not informed, sys will be used.

  • Jmeter: Thread 130, loop 100

  • Memory: 200 mb

  • Samples: 13000

  • Average latency (ms): 578

  • Throughput/second: 218.1

Performance data using the minimum requirements mentioned.

Configuration of log emission interval

The Oracle 19c connector allows configuring the log emission interval to control how often logs are generated and emitted.

Configuration details

The parameter is injected by means of an environment variable, in this case the HIKARI_METRICS_PERIOD variable (optional).

Minimum and maximum values

The environment variable accepts a minimum and maximum value:

  • Minimum value: 60 seconds (1 minute)

  • Maximum value: 43,200 seconds (12 hours)

If the inserted data type exceeds the maximum value, it will default to the maximum value. Conversely, if it is less than the minimum value, it will default to the minimum value.

Data type requirement

The data injected into the variable must be an integer. Otherwise, it defaults to 60 seconds.

Injection method

You must follow the specified method for injecting this parameter to ensure proper functionality:

  • For Java applications:

  • For Docker containers:

If you don’t have access to the connector settings, contact Sensedia’s support team.
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