Developer Portal Editing Guide

1. Changing Portal information

To change Portal information, such as the name that will be displayed in the browser tab when accessing the Portal or the email address (by default, the address is that of Sensedia support), go to Configuration  System  Site information.

site details en

2. Uploading files

To upload an image or other files to the Portal, click the User account button and access the tab FILE BROWSER. Then, click on Upload and select the file.

By default, only the user root has access to the file browser. To allow this access to other administrators, go to Configuration  Media  IMCE and add the permission "User-1" to the "administrator" role.

The logo is the image used to represent the company’s brand and is displayed on the right side of the Portal’s main menu. There are two ways to change a Portal’s logo: pointing to the URL of an image file in the file browser or uploading a file directly through the appearance settings menu.

3.1. Changing the logo through URL

To change the logo using its URL, first upload the image to the file browser, as described in item 2. Then, go to Appearance  Settings  Coworker and paste the file’s URL into the field Path to custom logo, in the section LOGO IMAGE SETTINGS.

3.2. Changing the logo through upload

To change the logo image without using the file browser, go to Appearance  Settings  Coworker and upload your image in the field Upload logo image, in the section LOGO IMAGE SETTINGS.

4. Favicon

A favicon is a small icon displayed next to the website’s name in the browser tab. There are two ways to change a Portal’s favicon: pointing to the URL of an icon in the file browser or uploading a file directly through the appearance settings menu.

4.1. Changing the favicon through URL

To change a Portal’s favicon using its URL, first upload the desired icon to the file browser as described in item 2. Then, go to Appearance  Settings  Coworker and paste the file’s URL into the field Path to custom icon, in the section SHORTCUT ICON SETTINGS.

4.2. Changing the favicon through upload

To change a Portal’s favicon without using the file browser, go to Appearance  Settings  Coworker and upload your image in the field Upload icon image, in the section SHORTCUT ICON SETTINGS.

5. Basic Pages

A basic page is a screen that makes up part of the Portal’s content, including text, images, tables, links, and other types of content.

5.1. Creating basic pages

To create a basic page, go to Content  Add Content  Basic page, give a title to the new page, add up the content and click Save.

5.2. Changing the content of a basic page

To change the content of a basic page (text, images, tables, etc.), go to the desired page and click on EDIT, just below the title, to open the content editor.

5.3. Text formats

When editing the content of a page, be aware of the text format used (it can be selected in the Text format field of the editor, below the content body). While the "Plain Text" format converts all content to pure text, "Filtered HTML" and "Full HTML" allow the use of HTML tags, but with some restrictions.

To check the HTML restrictions, click the "More information about text formats" link next to the field Text format.
text format

5.4. Revisions

A revision is a backup of the contents of a page. To save a new revision, go to the content editor (desired page  EDIT), click the tab Revision information, flag the Create new revision checkbox and save the page.

revision info

To revert a page’s content to a previously saved revision, go to the desired page, click on REVISIONS, just below the title, and select the revision you want to restore.

6. Content blocks

Blocks are content boxes located in specific regions of a page. A block can be configured to be displayed only when it meets certain conditions (e.g., a given block may be seen only by registered users).

6.1. Creating blocks

To create a new content block, go to Structure  Blocks  Add block. Add a title, a description and the content, define display restrictions in the area Visibility settings and click on Save block.

6.2. Changing the content of a block

To modify the content of a block, go to Structure  Blocks and select the block you wish to change.

Optionally, by browsing a page where the block is displayed, the block editor can be accessed through the gear-shaped icon in the upper-right corner of the block itself:

block gear
The text format rules regarding basic pages also apply to the content of a block.

6.3. Changing block regions

To change the region of a block (i.e., where it will appear on the screen), go to Structure  Blocks, find the block you want to configure in the list and, next to its name, in the column REGION, select where the block will be displayed.

Optionally, click the gear-shaped icon on the upper right corner of a block (on a page where it’s displayed, like in the image below) to go to the setting page and, in the section REGION SETTINGS, select the region under the Coworker field.

For a visual demonstration of the disposition of regions on the screen, click on Demonstrate block regions in Structure  Blocks.

6.4. Changing block visualisation

To change the display constraints of a block, go to Structure  Blocks, find the block you want to modify, and click on Configure, under the column OPERATIONS (alternatively, click on the gear-shaped icon next to a block’s name on a page where it’s displayed). In the settings window, adjust the options of the section Visibility settings.

7. Main menu

To change the structure of the main menu, go to Structure  Menus  Main menu, which will open the menu editor.

To edit or delete a menu item, click the homonymous options in the item’s row, under the column OPERATIONS. To change the order of links, move the items by clicking the icon move icon and dragging the item to the desired location. Remember to save the modifications by clicking on Save configuration.

main menu en

To create a new menu item, you can click on + Add link, above the list of items. However, we recommend setting up a new link when you create or edit a basic page. To do so, flag the Provide a menu link checkbox in the tab Menu settings.

8. Custom CSS

To customise the Portal’s CSS, go to Appearance  Settings  Coworker.

In the Skin Settings section at the bottom of the page, make your modifications in the field Custom css.

skin settings

9. Changing user permissions

To change the permissions of a certain type of user (anonymous user, administrator, among others), navigate to People  Permissions  Roles and click on edit permissions, under the OPERATIONS column, in the row of the role whose permissions you wish to change.

10. Languages

Certain Portal elements can contain versions in different languages, which can be switched by the user according to their preference.

To add new languages to the Portal, go to Configuration  Regional and language  Languages and click on + Add language.

This configuration screen will contain the options to enable or disable languages already added and to choose the Portal’s default language:

languages en

10.1. Translating basic pages

To translate the content of a basic page, go to the desired page and click on TRANSLATE, below the title, which will open the translation management screen. The available languages will be displayed. Choose the language you want to translate the page to and click on add translation, under the column OPERATIONS. This will open the content editor, where the translation must be inserted.

You can only add a translation to a page if its original version has a specific language attributed to it. To attribute a language to a page, open its content editor (desired page  EDIT) and, in the field Language, select the language instead of the option "Language Neutral".

10.2. Translating blocks

To translate a content block, open its content editor and, on the upper right corner, go to the tab TRANSLATE (or click on the option Translate when hovering the cursor over the name of a block on a page that shows it and clicking the gear-shaped icon). Then, next to the language you want to translate it to, click on translate. You’ll be directed to the screen where the new version must be included.

translate settings en

If there’s no TRANSLATE tab or option under the gear-shaped icon, take a look at the Languages tab inside the Visibility settings section of a block. The box next to Make this block translatable must be checked for the translation options to be shown.

10.3. Translating menu items

The best way to translate a main menu item is to mark the option Provide a menu link in the tab Menu settings of a translated basic page.

Alternatively, go to Structure  Menus  Main menu and click on translate, under the OPERATIONS column and in the row of the desired menu item:

translate menu en

Then, click on add translation (if there is none already configured) or edit (if you wish to change the current translation), under the OPERATIONS column and in the row of the desired language:

translate menu edit en

This will open an editing screen, where you can insert the translated title and the link to the translated page.

10.4. Switching between enabled languages

By default, your Portal comes with a block to switch between enabled languages. You can modify its settings by going to Structure  Blocks and selecting the block "Language switcher".

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