Multibanking APIs

The Sensedia Open Finance solution is designed to meet both TPPs and ASPSPs, so that providers can use Multibanking APIs to access participating Financial Institutions (FIs).
They abstract away all complexity from security requirements and market standards to accelerate integrations among Central Directory, TPPs and ASPSPs.

Multibanking APIs are so named because of their multi-functionality in accessing multiple authentication servers, regardless of the institution being searched, as long as it implements all the layers regulated by Open Finance. They are responsible for making the communications between Authorization Servers and Resources APIs of the Central Directory; they also store tokens and Authorization Servers of all institutions registered in Open Finance, facilitating access if requested by TPP or ASPSP Journeys.
Their basic functionalities are:

  • Establish communication with the Central Directory Authorization Server;

  • Access APIs from the Central Directory;

  • Establish communication with the Authorization Server of the institution to be searched;

  • Access APIs of the institution to be searched.

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