Conversion of Private Keys

The private keys of certificates uploaded to the API Manager must be in PEM PKCS #8 format.

You can validate the format of the certificate you want to use with Linux command file, which returns the format found, as in this example:

file ./ssl-cert-domain.pem
./ssl-cert-domain.pem: PEM certificate

Conversion of private keys from PKCS #1 to PKCS #8

If the private key’s initial line includes the words RSA, as in the example below, then its format is PKCS #1.


Using OpenSSL, you can convert a PKCS #1 key to PKCS #8 with this command:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in hml-private-pks1.key -out hml-private-pks8.key
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