API Platform

Date: June/2024

New Features

Rate Limit interceptor

  • You can now configure custom traffic restrictions based on a specific header, addressing regulatory needs for Open Finance APIs.

    • When selecting the Rate Limit interceptor, choose the Header option as the configuration type. This allows you to specify the desired header key and define the behavior for requests without the header.

For more details about this feature, refer to the Rate Limit interceptor documentation.

Revision editing restriction based on deployment context

  • We have implemented logic to restrict API revision edits by users outside the deployment context. This feature aims to prevent unwanted changes in production environments.



  • We adjusted the gateway to resolve env vars configured in the body of the Internal API Call interceptor.

  • We fixed the error that caused the XSS Threat Protection interceptor to block deployments in the bulk deploy flow when the API involved also had this interceptor configured.

  • We adjusted the regex in the Json Threat Protection interceptor to support attributes with high values, preventing stack overflow errors.


  • We fixed the issue where a JSON object included as an extraField was displayed as [object Object] on the Apps Overview screen.

General Trace

  • We corrected the error in the General Trace query, which failed to consider the selected date in the filter and consistently searched within the last 7 days.

  • We fixed the issue where requests returning a 404 status were not listed in General Trace.


  • We fixed an error in which testing the connection of a connector without filling in the port field resulted in a console error on the frontend.


  • We have implemented a permission validation in the context of user visibility. This validation adds a new layer of security to your APIs.

Services changed

Application Module Version

API Platform

API Gateway

API Platform

API Manager

API Platform

API Manager Front

API Platform

Manager Front

API Platform

Manager Front Admin Settings

API Platform

Manager Front Consumers

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