API Platform

Date: April/2022

Substitution of Log4j

  • We have removed the Log4j library from internal API Authorization, API Metrics, Certificate Manager and API Finder modules and replaced it with a new internal logging module from the API Manager and API Gateway.

New menu

  • The Platform menu has been updated! The content remains the same, but we have changed the page sorting and grouping. We hope that you think our new grouping is more user friendly than before, and that it will help you to navigate faster on the Platform! Check all the details here.

New feature: CORS headers customisation

  • It is now possible to customise CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) headers in your API flows. To customise the headers in a particular resource, you need to implement the OPTIONS method for it. If you don’t implement the OPTIONS method, the headers will be returned with a default value "*".


  • The UUID version of the generated access tokens has been updated to version 4. The access tokens generated in version 3 are still valid.

  • An endpoint has been made available in the API Manager with more details on Platform permissions.

Fixed bugs

  • In order to be able to customize CORS headers, we have fixed the following Platform misbehavior: requests for the OPTIONS method that contained both preflight headers "Access-Control-Request-Method" and "Origin" were blocked by a filter and the returned headers had a default value ("*"). Due to this filter, these calls were not properly displayed in Trace (and consequently were not counted in your total calls).

The OPTIONS method requests that did not contain both of the headers above already appeared in the Trace and were counted as normal.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented queries of type CUSTOM in General Trace.

  • We have removed old and unused data regarding Sensedia’s SMTP that was visible in the JavaScript console code.

Services changed

Application Module Version

API Platform

API Manager Front

API Platform

API Finder

API Platform

API Governance

API Platform


API Platform

AG Sensedia Impact Analysis Adapter

API Platform

API Metrics

API Platform

API Authorization

API Platform

Certificate Manager

API Platform

API Token Manager

API Platform

API Manager

API Platform

API Gateway

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