New Menu

Starting from the Platform release, the product menu has been reorganised and it is leaner. No content has been lost since the pages are only grouped within components with new names, and two pages have had their names changed. Check the changes below:


The submenu Analytics already existed and has been kept with only two changes:

  • The APIs Health page has been renamed to Top Operations;

  • The Health Checks page has been moved to the new submenu Trace and Health.

These are the submenu pages:

API Design

We created the submenu API Design to gather the pages related to API configuration. It is worth noting that the API Catalog page (which used to be called APIs) is where you find all your APIs.

These are the submenu pages:


In the submenu Consumers, you will find the pages related to the API consumers such as:

Trace and Health

The submenu Trace and Health is dedicated to pages for you to troubleshoot your calls and check the health of your operations:

Virtual Hosts

Under Virtual Hosts, you will find the pages to configure and manage the implementation spaces (in other words, the generation of the routes) of your APIs. Also, the page for configuring the certificates related to your deployment environments is here.

These are the submenu pages:

Access Control

This submenu is the old IAM - Users which is now named Access Control. You will find pages for managing users, teams, and permissions here.

These are the pages:

Admin Settings

The pages for the Platform’s administrative settings are here:

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