Item Details in the Catalog
View the details of an API by accessing the Discovery screen.
To do this, click on the icon , in the catalog item listing.
You can check general information about the API, as well as its revisions and associated environments.
Here are the panels:
(A) Basic info (basic information)
(B) Revisions (revisions)
(C) Deployments (deployments)
(D) Issues and Quality Analysis (issues and quality analysis)
(A) Basic info
This panel contains the following information about the API:
The name, which appears as the panel title;
Description: description;
Created At: creation date and time;
Imported At: import date and time;
Updated At: update date and time;
Version: most recent version;
Owner: responsible user or team;
Shared with: users with whom the API is shared;
Tags: associated tags (or labels).
From the Basic info panel, you can perform the following actions:
Change the Owner (user or team responsible for the API);
Edit Shared with (users or teams with whom the API is shared);
In this tab, you find the revision history of the API.
Columns in the revisions list:
DESCRIPTION: description;
DEPLOYED IN SERVER: server where the revision is deployed;
MATURITY: maturity score;
ACTIONS: access to Maturity Report and API Specification.
In this tab, you find information about the deployment environments of the APIs.
Columns in the deployments list:
SERVER NAME: server name;
SERVER URL: server address;
DEPLOYED REVISION: number or date of the revision deployed on the server.
When no revision of the API exists, a dash ("-") will be displayed in this column and in the maturity column. -
MATURITY: maturity score;
ACTIONS: access to Maturity Report and API Specification.
(D) ISSUES Panel and Quality Analysis
This panel displays issues that may impact the quality of the APIs and their ecosystem.
Elements that can be adjusted to improve aspects such as organization and performance will be highlighted and listed in this space.
Most common types of Issues:
Consistency: related to the consistency and organization of the APIs. It indicates violations of good practices in OpenAPI contracts. It checks whether contracts are complete and consistent, ensuring that development and documentation are aligned with the organization’s rules.
Efficiency: related to resource usage. It indicates redundancies and optimization opportunities. It does not cover performance-related aspects.
An empty field in the ISSUES column right after import does not necessarily indicate the absence of problems.
After import, APIs need to be processed, and the time to generate the Issues may range from minutes to several hours, depending on the number of APIs and the size of the imported contracts.
Quality Analysis
This panel displays the API’s maturity score.
Click Go to issues details to see the Maturity Report and API Specification and to access Smart Recommendations.
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