Details of a Catalog Item

You can access the details screen of a specific API through the Discovery screen. To do that, click the icon icon visualize, in the catalog listing.

Here you can find general information about the API, as well as its revisions and the associated environments.

The information is presented in two tabs: GENERAL DATA and DETAILS.


This tab displays, at the top, a panel with general information about the API, in which you can check:

  • Name: its name;

  • Version: its latest version;

  • Description: its description;

  • API Responsible: the person responsible for it;

  • Created At: date and time it was created;

  • Imported At: date and time it was imported;

  • Updated At: date and time it was updated;

  • Tags: associated tags. If there are none, and you want to add tags, click the icon icon tags to add them and follow the steps below:

    1. In the Tag Name field, enter the name of the tag you want to link (new or previously registered). The name of a tag must contain a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 30 characters. Only lowercase alphanumeric characters and "-" are allowed (however, the name cannot begin or end with "-").

    2. Click on + (or press ENTER) to link the tag.

    3. If you want to add another tag, repeat the last two steps. Each API can contain up to 50 linked tags and the name of each tag must be unique.

    4. Click on OK to close the modal window.

At the top right of the screen, you will see the maturity score of your API, which is automatically defined after it’s imported.

discovery general data
To see the API’s latest revision maturity report and its specification, click Latest Revision.


In this tab, you can see details of the API based on the environment in which the revision is deployed.

To do that, select a view mode by clicking the arrow on the right of the field VIEW MODE.

By default, the view mode Environments is selected.

There are two view modes:


The table has the following columns:

  • DESCRIPTION: name of the environment;

  • URL: host + environment basepath ;

  • DEPLOYED REVISION: number or date of the current revision in the environment;

When there isn’t an API revision deployed in the listed environment, a hyphen ("-") will be displayed and the maturity will have the score set to zero.
discovery environments
  • DESCRIPTION: description;

  • DEPLOYED IN ENVIRONMENT: environment in which the revision is deployed;

  • MATURITY: maturity score;

  • ACTIONS: access to the Maturity Report and API Specification.

discovery revisions
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