Smart Recommendations

In addition to knowing the maturity level of your APIs and getting recommendations, you can also download the contracts with the recommended changes already applied to them (Smart Recommendations).

Smart Recommendations are generated by Artificial Intelligence by Adaptive Governance. To download them, follow the steps below:

  1. Click “Discovery” in the side menu or click the card on the Adaptive Governance home page.

  2. Find the API for which you want to generate Smart Recommendations, then click the image:icon-view-2.png [] button, located in the “Actions” column. “screen with list of APIs and indication of where to click to see details for the selected API”

  3. Click: +

    • Latest Revision” in the General Data panel to generate the recommendations for the latest revision of the API;

    • in the Details panel, click the icon view 2 button, next to the environment in which the API you want to generate recommendations for is deployed.

    “screen with details of the selected API and indication of where to click”

  4. Click the Smart Recommendations button in the top right-hand area of the screen.
    “screen with details and indication of where to click”

  5. Adaptive Governance will generate the smart recommendations for the API. You don’t need to remain on the page while the process runs.

  6. At the end of this process, the Download button will become enabled. Click it and save the contract to your computer.

The Smart Recommendations button will be enabled when:

  • there is at least one violation in the API contract;

  • Adaptive Governance is enabled in the environment.


When the contract generation process is complete, in addition to the button to download the contract ( letter D ) with the applied recommendations, you will see a summary containing:

  • letter A The number of applied suggestions, that is, the total amount of identified and corrected violations;

  • letter B Comparison of the current maturity score with the score of the contract generated by AI.

  • letter C The contract itself (Swagger).

screen with summary of smart recommendations

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