Release notes

May 13, 2024

Information about Data Transfer in Data Streaming

  • After careful evaluation, we have decided to discontinue this information. Except for the removal of Data Transfer, the Data Streaming functionality remains unchanged.

April 17, 2024


  • We’ve added the Calls index, with all the information from the traces, including headers and payload (request and response bodies, for example). This allows you to search with filters on these fields, making trace queries more flexible.

February 06, 2024


  • We have implemented an improvement to reduce the response time for loading Dashboards and queries in General Trace.

December 11, 2023


  • The default date was changed to sensedia.received_on. With this improvement, dashboards migrated from Kibana can have results for this field grouped automatically, allowing visualization of longer periods with reduced response time.

November 1, 2023

Improvements in Log Searching

  • It is now possible to use filters to search the logs generated by traces from the Sensedia API Gateway and benefit from the connection between logs and traces.

August 31, 2023

Historical data

August 17, 2023

Log Searching feature

  • Progressing in our continued efforts to support OpenTelemetry dimensions, we are now able to display log data that Sensedia products will send to Sensedia Analytics. This functionality will be available for users who are using the new version of Access Control.


  • General Trace: reduced response time as a result of query improvements to retrieve the steps from Trace.

Fixed bugs

  • Data Streaming: Access keys were being returned in lower case, which caused a configuration error when the data stream was edited.

May 22, 2023

Sensedia Analytics product launch

We are proud to announce Sensedia Analytics, developed to improve your experience and provide you with a robust observability solution for all Sensedia products.

You can now enjoy Analytics and Trace from their own interface.

New look and new features!

  • Graphic interface matching the new Sensedia design standard.

  • Improved performance when querying traces.

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