OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0[1] is an open standard authorization protocol that allows third parties (applications) to access data from a user without the user having to inform their credentials. Apps use this method to gain access to the account of a given user through a client ID or client secret (OAuth authentication keys).

If you wish to learn more, visit this website: http://oauth.net/2/.

Types of clients

In OAuth, there are two types of clients:

  • Confidential Client: these are clients that can ensure that no malicious users will get a client secret or client ID to try to pass for a valid application.

  • Non-Confidential Client: clients that cannot guarantee that a malicious user will get their client secret or client ID to try to pass for a valid application. In these cases, a callback URL is informed to ensure that the information returns only to the original app. Alternatively, the client ID time-to-live can be decreased by using a refresh token.

Ways to obtain an access token

There are different OAuth 2.0 flows, which demand distinct forms of obtaining an access token.

For some methods, you need to send an extraInfo. Values sent as extraInfo are exhibited in the Extra Fields of a token’s overview screen, which can be accessed by clicking the name of a token on the Access Tokens page.

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

1. Generation an authorization code:

First, an app must have been created. With it, we can get the client ID, which is the first item we must inform via a POST request to this endpoint: <gateway URL>/oauth/grant-code.

The header must contain the following information:

Content-Type : application/json

We need to inform the following items in the body:

  "client_id": "f9212173-e705-373b-a698-61923e378359",
  "extraInfo": {},
  "redirect_uri": "string",
  "state": "string"
The client ID informed must be the same of the app created.

Once this is done, a response containing an authorization code is expected, as in the example below:

  "redirect_uri": "string?state=string&code=8748d39f-1d4f-311f-92c6-4b279db1b317"

2. Informing the authorization code to generate the access token:

You must perform a new POST request then, to this endpoint: <gateway URL>/oauth/access-token.

The header must contain the following information:

Authorization : Basic client_id:client_secret
This clientid:clientsecret must be a string converted to Base64, using the data from the app created.

Example of a header with the client_id and the _client_secret` converted to Base64:

Authorization : Basic ZjkyMTIxNzMtZTcwNS0zNzNiLWE2OTgtNjE5MjNlMzc4MzU5OjAyYWI1Mjg4LTkyZGItM2FiMy05OWZkLWZhYzRhZjg1N2Q4MQ==

In the body, we must inform the authorization code generated by the previous endpoint, with a few more items, in the x-www-form-urlencoded format:

"grant_type": "authorization_code"
"code" : "8748d39f-1d4f-311f-92c6-4b279db1b317"

Finally, the access token will be generated and will the following code will be returned:

  "access_token": "57f10f0e-3d2e-311f-a797-4011f66e1cbf",
  "refresh_token": "ca81cb16-43e4-3e96-aaea-4861e7791dc7",
  "token_type": "access_token",
  "expires_in": 3600

OAuth 2.0 Refresh Token

The refresh token will be used to update an expired access token. To update a token, follow the steps below.

First, make a POST request to this endpoint: <gateway URL>/oauth/access-token.

The header should contain the following information:

Authorization : Basic client_id:client_secret
This clientid:clientsecret must be a string converted to Base64, using the data from the app created.

Example of a header with the client_id and the _client_secret` converted to Base64:

Authorization : Basic ZjkyMTIxNzMtZTcwNS0zNzNiLWE2OTgtNjE5MjNlMzc4MzU5OjAyYWI1Mjg4LTkyZGItM2FiMy05OWZkLWZhYzRhZjg1N2Q4MQ==

In the body, we must inform the refresh_token received by the previous endpoint (which generated the access token), with some more items, in the x-www-form-urlencoded format:

"grant_type": "refresh_token"
"refresh_token" : "ca81cb16-43e4-3e96-aaea-4861e7791dc7"

Finally, the access token will be regenerated and a code like the example below will be returned.

  "access_token": "ca81cb16-43e4-3e96-aaea-4861e7791dc7",
  "refresh_token": "677b881a-d0b6-3b29-b9a8-f0cdb50ce035",
  "token_type": "access_token",
  "expires_in": 3600

OAuth 2.0 Implicit

The Implicit flow is used to obtain access tokens for public clients in an optimised way. It can operate across a private routing IRO alongside an access token. These clients are usually implemented on a browser using a script language, such as JavaScript.

As with the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code, an app must have been created so that we can access the client ID. After that, make a POST request to the endpoint <gateway URL>/oauth/access-token.

It must contain the following header:

Content-Type : application/json

We must inform these items in the body:

    "grant_type": "implicit",
    "redirect_uri": "<URL>",
    "client_id": "<client ID>"
The client ID must be the same of the app created.
Note that the app must contain an extra field named redirect_uri, with a valid URL as its value, which must be informed when requesting the token (e.g.: http://supermock.demo.sensedia.com/). Access this page to see more information on creating and configuring apps, adding extra fields.

When the process is done, a response is expected, containing the URI and the access token, like the example below.

  "redirect_uri": "www.url.com?access_token=57f10f0e-3d2e-311f-a797-4011f66e1cbf",
  "expires_in": 3600

OAuth: Client Credentials

Like the Implicit flow, Client Credentials does NOT generate a refresh_token. Therefore, it is not possible to update an access token when it expires.

When this flow is used, when creating a new access token, you should inform the app’s name and client ID into the token’s Extra Info field, informing all the values of the extra fields that are registered for that app as well. Access this page to see more information on creating and configuring apps, adding extra fields.

An app must have been created so that we can get the client ID and the client secret.

Then, it is necessary to make a POST request to this endpoint: <gateway URL>/oauth/access-token.

The request must contain the following header:

Authorization : Basic client_id:client_secret
This clientid:clientsecret must be a string converted to Base64, using the data from the app created.

Example of a header with the client_id and the _client_secret` converted to Base64:

Authorization : Basic ZjkyMTIxNzMtZTcwNS0zNzNiLWE2OTgtNjE5MjNlMzc4MzU5OjAyYWI1Mjg4LTkyZGItM2FiMy05OWZkLWZhYzRhZjg1N2Q4MQ==

In the body, we must inform the grant_type in the x-www-form-urlencoded format:

"grant_type": "client_credentials"

Then, your access token will be generated and should be returned as in the example below.

  "access_token": "6c164a82-84a6-3bc4-8122-f777121a4f62",
  "token_type": "access_token",
  "expires_in": 3600

You can also create new extra fields when generating the access token. To do so, it is necessary to add the following header:

Content-Type : application/json

In the body, we must inform the grant_type and the extra fields:

   "grant_type": "client_credentials",
   "extraInfo": {"value": "32423", "value2": "874yhgt3"}

OAuth 2.0 Password

An app must have been created so that we can access the client ID and the client secret.

After that, you must make a POST request to this endpoint: <gateway URL>/oauth/access-token.

The header must contain this information:

Authorization : Basic client_id:client_secret
This client_id:client_secret must be a string converted to Base64, using the data of the app created.

In addition to the grant_type, the body must contain two other pieces of information that use the userDirectory. They are the user’s login and password, which can be from an LDAP or a REST, and must be in the x-www-form-urlencoded format:

"grant_type" : "password",
“username” : “<user>”,
“password” : “<password>”

If the user and password are valid in LDAP or REST, the return of the access token should resemble the following example:

  "access_token": "6c164a82-84a6-3bc4-8122-f777121a4f62",
  "token_type": "refresh_token",
  "expires_in": 3600
For the features above to apply to your app, you must configure an API Identity.
In the case of LDAP, the user must be informed in the User-Principal-Name format (e.g., test@da.sa).
The oauth.grantTypes.resourceOwnerPassword.userDirectory property is no longer required.


"JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed. JWTs can be signed using a secret (with the HMAC algorithm) or a public/private key pair using RSA." (https://jwt.io/)

In the JWT flow, an app must have been created to that we can access the client ID and the client secret.

Then, you must make a POST request to this following endpoint: <gateway URL>/oauth/access-token.

The header should contain the following information:

Authorization : Basic client_id:client_secret
This clientid:clientsecret must be a string converted to Base64, using the data from the app created.

Example of a header with the client_id and the _client_secret` converted to Base64:

Authorization : Basic ZjkyMTIxNzMtZTcwNS0zNzNiLWE2OTgtNjE5MjNlMzc4MzU5OjAyYWI1Mjg4LTkyZGItM2FiMy05OWZkLWZhYzRhZjg1N2Q4MQ==

In the body, we must inform the code generated by the grant-code endpoint, with some more items, in the x-www-form-urlencoded format:

"grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"
"code" : "8748d39f-1d4f-311f-92c6-4b279db1b317"

Your access token will then be generated again and should be returned as in the example below.

  "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJsb2NhbGhvc3QiLCJpc3MiOiIxNzIuMTguMC4xIiwic3ViIjoiOWI1Zjc3MWUtNzgyZC0zNTEwLWI2YmEtMzZlOWM2NWJmZDVkIiwiZXhwIjozNjAwLCJpYXQiOjE1Mjg5MTg2MzcsIkFwcDogIjoiUmljYXJkb0FwcCIsIkNvZGU6ICI6IjRlNWIyMTEzLTJkYzYtM2RlNi1iN2ZkLWNkOTYxOTMxZWQyOSIsImxvZ2luIjoidXNlci5sb2dpbiJ9.bhvFpiZ6em9tUgpHxGQGuH7cmvMy4I7STJDRBUybuPM",
  "token_type": "access_token",
  "expires_in": 3600

With the code generated, you will need to add the JWT interceptor to the API flow. It will be responsible for validating the token. See more about this interceptor here.


The OpenID flow allows users to use an existing credential to access multiple websites without the need to create new passwords. This enhances users' security because their password is supplied only to one provider that they trust, which then confirms their identity and concedes access to sites and apps that they want to use.

To use the OpenID flow, some configurations must be performed by the Sensedia Support team.

It is also necessary that an app has been created. With it, we can access the client ID, which will be the first item to be informed via a POST request to this endpoint: <gateway URL>/oauth/google/openid/redirect.

The request must contain the following headers:

Content-Type : application/json

client_id :  client_id

In the body, we must inform the following item:

  "extraInfo": {}
The client_id must be the same as the app created.

Once this is done, there should be a response containing an authorization code, like in the example below.

  "redirect_uri": "string?queryParams"

Then you must access the redirect_uri, which gives access to an authentication page from your provider. Logging in will redirect automatically following the access token values.

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