
The Documentation screen displays all the services of the selected mesh(es) that have documentation (Swagger) registered, making it easy to manage and view these documentations.

It can be accessed from the main menu of Sensedia Service Mesh, as shown in the figure below:

documentations listing
"Documentation" screen listing the services that have documentation registered
You can select the cluster you want to operate in the Cluster: field, located in the upper right corner of the screen.
The uploading or the deletion of the documentation of a specific service are done from the "Documentation" tab of this microservice, accessible through the "Services" screen.
  • In order to view the list of services with registered documentation, your user must have at least the List Documentations permission enabled in Sensedia Access Control.

  • To be able to view the registered documentations, your user must have the Read Documentations permission.

Viewing the registered documentations

To view documentations of services registered in Sensedia Service Mesh, select one or more meshes in the Mesh field, located at the top left corner of the Documentation screen.

The services of the selected mesh(es) with registered documentation will be listed in alphabetical order — ascending by default, but you can select descending ordering in the Sort field.

For each service in the list (row), the following information is displayed (columns):

  • NAME: Name of the service;

  • MESH: The mesh it belongs to;

  • ACTIONS: Contains the following button:

    • icon view: When clicked, it opens the documentation in a new tab of your browser.

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