
The PODS tab shows all pods that comprise a given service. To access it, select a service on the list of the Services screen (or after clicking a mesh card on the Meshes screen).

Pods that comprise a service
To view the list of service pods, your user must have the List Pods permission enabled in Sensedia Access Control.

Services and Pods

A pod is the smallest unit of code that can be deployed and managed in Kubernetes.

A service is an abstraction that exposes pods in networks. Each pod has its own IP and each service imposes traffic rules that define how the pods can be accessed.

Pods are behind the scalability that microservices provide, since extra pods can be created for a service to meet specific temporary demands.

For your pods to be visible, they must be deployed to your Kubernetes cluster.

This is the info displayed for each pod:

  • name;

  • health status (either healthy or unhealthy);

  • date and time it was created.

You can filter pods by health status in the field Health and sort them alphabetically (in ascending or descending order) in the field Sort.

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