
The AUTHORIZATION tab allows creating, applying and visualizing authorization policy rules for a given service.

That is, this is where you can establish how access permissions are verified when requests are made to a service inside a given namespace.


Access permissions

The actions you can perform on this screen depend on the permissions set for your user in Sensedia Access Control.

The following table shows the possible permissions and the corresponding actions:

Permission Description

List Api Authorizations

It allows the view of the list with the authorization policy rules that have been created.

Read Api Authorizations

It allows the view of the details of the settings of the authorization policy rules that have already been created.

Write Api Authorizations

It allows the user to create, edit, and delete authorization policy rules for the services.

List of rules

The tab lists the authorization policy rules that are applied to a service, with the following information:

  • identifying name for the rule;

  • methods that are inside the scope of the rule;

  • endpoints the rule applies to;

  • service status;

  • date when the rule was created.

Also, the list contains action icons:

  • icon edit to edit the rule; and

  • icon delete to delete it.

Configuring authorization

To set up a new authorization policy rule, click the button ADD NEW RULE and fill in these fields:

authorization new
  • Name: identifying name for the rule, which must be unique to the namespace.

  • Methods: HTTP methods that are included in the scope being configured.

  • Paths: endpoint the rule applies to. More than one can be inserted.

  • CONDITIONS: non-required section to include optional attributes comprised of key and value. It’s possible to add more than one value per key. See the conditions you can use here.


Inside an Istio authorization policy rule, there is a field action which is responsible for telling Istio which policy will be applied to requests. See an example of an Authorization object:

kind: AuthorizationPolicy
 name: httpbin
 namespace: foo
 action: ALLOW
 - from:
   - source:
       principals: ["cluster.local/ns/default/sa/sleep"]
   - source:
       namespaces: ["test"]
   - operation:
       methods: ["GET"]
       paths: ["/info*"]
   - operation:
       methods: ["POST"]
       paths: ["/data"]
   - key:[iss]
     values: [""]

On Sensedia Service Mesh, authorization policies are always created with action: ALLOW; therefore, requests will be accepted only if they conform to the rules described under the key rules (and rejected if they don’t).

You can consult this documentation for more information regarding Authorization objects.

If the Mesh Security option is enabled (on Meshes  desired mesh  MESH SECURITY tab), services will be blocked by default. Then, you’ll need to create authorization policies for all services you wish to allow access to.
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