Does Events Hub guarantee event delivery?

Yes. Through confirmation mechanisms and flow control, Events Hub ensures that events are delivered correctly to the receivers.

In case of failure, how long are the events available for resending to subscribers?

The events remain available on the Delivery Retry screen for 14 days.

What is the difference between automatic and manual retry?

When the first attempt to deliver an event to a subscriber fails, Events Hub tries to resend it automatically, following the settings registered in the policy.
If all automatic attempts fail, the event falls into the retry queue of the Delivery Retry screen, where you can try to resend it manually.

Can I schedule retries automatically?

Yes. Via the API Event Status, you can implement an automation for events in the manual retry queue to be resent automatically.

How does Events Hub enable the URL for publishing events?

The URL is made up of URL base + context + handler + topic:

  1. Base URL: is defined by the Events Hub. It includes the interface address of each client + event-receiver + a unique code (hash).

  2. Context, handler and topic: these are created by you. They help you organize and manage different publishing channels.

    • Topic is the most specific level.

    • Handlers are the aggregators of topics, serving as a logical grouping layer.

    • Contexts add another level of grouping, allowing you to use the same topic in different situations.

Do I need to configure the authorization URL for events to be sent?

If you add policies to your handler, yes. You will need to configure the URL of the authorization linked to the interceptor. Except for "IP Filtering Validation", all of them depend on this configuration to work.

Go to the Authorizations documentation and see how to configure it using the Sensedia API Platform.

Do I need to use the Sensedia API Platform as the authorization server?

No. The Events Hub accepts any authorization URL to validate event policies.

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