Registering New Users

To register a new user, click the New user button, represented by the + symbol in the bottom right corner of the Users screen. The screen that follows starts a four-step process.

To navigate between steps, click the button represented by the > symbol in the lower right corner of the screen and choose NEXT to advance to the next step or CANCEL. You can also skip steps (after entering and confirming the e-mail) by clicking the navigation bar (breadcrumbs).

Below you will find information about each step.


This step consists of a form with the following fields:

  • Username: register a username. The username can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores.

  • Email: enter the email address of the new user. It is not possible to create more than one user with the same email address.

  • Confirm Email: retype the email address you entered in the previous field.

  • Tags: (optional) register one or more tags to classify the user. To add a tag, type in the desired text and then press ENTER.


In this step, you can select a team for the user (optional).

You don’t have to work with teams, but they make it easier to register APIs, environments and custom interceptors because they allow maintaining access control without having to manage each user. If you state that a team has visibility of an API when registering it, that means that all team members will be able to access that API.

To know more about visibility access to these objects, see the section on visibility rules.

You don’t have to define the team at this time, you can add an already-created user to one (or more) team(s) later. You can also search for existing teams, edit or create new ones. See more about that here.


On this screen you can assign permission Roles to the user you are creating (optional).

Roles help you organize permissions to view and edit features in Sensedia products. For example, you can have permissions grouped by the role users play, such as administrator, developer or others.

You don’t have to define roles when creating the user, you can add an already-created user to one or more roles later. You can also search for existing roles, edit or create new ones. See more about that here.


In this step you can check the settings defined for the new user. If everything is in order, just click the FINISH button represented by a check mark at the bottom right corner of the screen.

The user created will have the status set as Pending activation until they complete the process by accessing the link sent by e-mail.

The new user will not be created if the informed e-mail is already being used.

Activating New User

After creating a user, the registered e-mail will receive a link to activate the user. The registered user has to click that link to define name and password.

The username will appear in the upper right corner of Sensedia product screens.

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