
In Products you can organize the documentation for your APIs by gathering them under each of your products.

That documentation is automatically loaded into the Dev Portal when you import the APIs, but you can also add them manually. For more information, check API DOCS.

See below how to set your products.

List of registered products

In the list of registered products you will find the columns:

  • Product Name: Name given to the product;

  • Description: Descriptive text for the product;

  • Integration: Informs which of the options for integration is used for the products;

  • API: APIs associated to the product;

  • API Count: Number of APIs associated to the product;

  • Actions: edit, delete and view. Just click the respective icon.

Searching for a product

The search field is located right above the list of products.

You can search for products by name or APIs.

Viewing products

To check your products and make sure the corresponding APIs are properly listed, follow the steps below:

  1. Access Main Menu  Products or click the card Products, on the main screen of your Dev Portal.

  2. Locate the product you want to view and click the icon icon in the shape of an eye.
    The next screen will display the product name, description and its APIs.
    When finished, click CANCEL.

Registering a product

Follow the steps below to register a new product:

  1. Access Main Menu  Products or click the card Products, on the main screen of your Dev Portal.

    • Click + NEW PRODUCT.

    • In step 1 BASIC INFO, enter a name and description for the product and click NEXT.

    • Step 2 APIS: choose an integration and add one or more APIs.
      For the integration, pick one from the options in the dropdown list.
      For the API, start typing an API name, select the desired one and click ADD API.
      Repeat this process until all APIs for that product have been added and click NEXT.

    • Step 3 REVIEW: Confirm the information provided and click SAVE.
      If any change is needed, click PREVIOUS.

animation showing the steps to register a product

Editing a product

To edit a product, follow the steps below:

  1. In Products, find the one you want to edit and click pencil-shaped icon.

  2. In step 1 BASIC INFO you will find the information that can be edited. Make the necessary adjustments and click NEXT to continue. This step is not mandatory

  3. Step 2 APIS: here you can change the integration and add or delete the API.
    To add an API, start typing its name, select it and click ADD API.
    To delete an API, find it in the table and click icon with the image of a trash can. Click REMOVE to confirm. Click NEXT

  4. Step 3 REVIEW: Confirm the information and click SAVE or click PREVIOUS.

animation showing the steps to edit a product

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