Developer Registration auto approval

  • Auto approval is available only for developers who created their accounts from Developer Portal (your instance) and with standard authentication¹.

  • It does not change the settings of Access and Identity Management (AIM) for Single Sign-On (SSO), such as GSuite, OpenID Connect, and SAML 2.0.

    ¹ Standard authentication: when the developer uses their email and password to access the product.

A developer can create an account in the Developer Portal and access the portal content.

When the auto approval option is disabled, the portal administrator needs to manually approve each account registration made by a developer.

See details about the difference in the account creation process with auto approval enabled or not.

By default, the auto approval option for the created account is disabled.

Enabling and disabling auto approval

Follow the steps below to enable or disable auto approval:

  1. Access Portal Manager.

  2. In the side menu, click on Settings.

  3. Click on the Developers tab.
    developers tab and developer auto approval option

  4. Activate the "Auto approval" option by sliding the toggle to the right.

    • The purple toggle set to the right indicates that auto approval is enabled, allowing any developer to create an account and access your portal content.

    • The gray toggle set to the left indicates that auto approval is disabled, requiring the portal administrator to manually approve each account created.
      enabled and disabled toggles

See how to approve or reject a developer registration.
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