
All the documentation that you want made publicly available can be managed using Guides.

Guides work as a website development platform, allowing you to freely create content that makes sense to you and your partners.

Creating a new page

Follow the steps below to create a new Guides page for your portal.

  1. Click + next to Pages.
    You can also create subpages. Click + next to the name of an existing page and the new page will be created as its "child".

    detail of a screen from Guides with list of pages

  2. Enter the name of the page. This field is required.
    part of the screen with the page name field in the center of the image

  3. Create the new page content in the field located below the toolbar.
    The text must contain at least 3 characters and at most 10 MB.

  4. Click SAVE or BACK.
    If you go back without saving, the changes will be lost.

  5. Enable Publish Page for the changes to be published.
    Steps 5 and 6 are not mandatory. You may publish your page at another time.

  6. Click icon representing link to copy the direct link for the created page.

    Animation showing sequence to create and publish new page

Identify which pages have not yet been published by looking for image of a cloud with a diagonal line across it next to the page name.

Your page will remain published for as long as Public Page is enabled.

Updates made and saved will be applied to the published page every time you click SAVE. You do not need to publish it again.

You can rearrange the order of the pages in the list and also change the hierarchy by turning subpages into pages and vice versa. Just click and drag the page to the desired position.

Editing a page

Regardless of whether the page is published or not, you can always edit it.

Click the page name and then click EDIT.

Deleting a page

To delete a page, click the name of the page, then click image of a trash can.

Alternatively, you can simply unpublish the page. To do this, click the name of the page and then disable Publish Page.


The toolbar is displayed when creating a new page or editing an existing one.

It gives you access to several commands to format and customize your page.

image of the toolbar



Paragraph style

box for choosing paragraph style

Define formatting style for a paragraph or sentence. Choose from: simple paragraph and three levels of headings.

Source code

icon indicating source code and the word Source

View or edit the page in its source code.


bold capital letter B

Apply bold formatting to the selected text. The shortcut Ctrl+B can also be used.


uppercase letter I in italics

Italicize the selected text. The shortcut Ctrl+I can also be used.


uppercase letter S with strikethrough

Apply strikethrough formatting to the selected text. The shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X can also be used.


greater than and less than signs

Mark a word or part of a paragraph as code snippet.

Code block

greater than and less than signs at the bottom of a page with bulleted list

Mark a paragraph as code snippet. Select the code language from the dropdown menu.


part of a chan as the icon for a link

Insert link. Inform the link and click the check mark to save it or the X to cancel.

Bulleted list

icon for bulleted list

Apply bulleted list formatting to the selected text.

Numbered list

icon for numbered list

Apply numbered list formatting to the selected text.

To-do list

to-do list icon

Insert check boxes in front of each line of the selected text.


icon for image

Open the dialog box to select and upload a file.

Block quote

double quote image

Appy block quote formatting: it indents the block and marks it with a vertical line to the left side of the text.

Insert table

icon representing a spreadsheet table

Determine table size and insert it

Special characters

Greek letter omega

Choose a special character and insert it

Undo and redo

three points arranged vertically

Access the undo and redo commands. The shortcuts Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y can also be used.

Published page

The link to the public page is available in the upper right corner of the screen, next to Publish page, as shown below.

developer portal guides screen with page open to be edited

All pages published in Guides are public. Developer access is not required.

The pages are available on your portal, under Guides, as shown in the image below.

Portal screen with published pages highlighting guides

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