

Access Control

Identity and access management for users of various Sensedia products. See the Access Control user guide.

Access key ID

Key used by AWS to confirm your identity in API calls. It is usually created together with the secret access key. The Access key ID is required to configure a connection with an AWS gateway.


Application Programming Interface. Sensedia APIs are automatically imported with the gateway connection and can be managed by the portal administrator in Portal Manager > API Docs. APIs from other providers are imported manually. See more in the API Docs page.

API Docs

Functionality of the Sensedia Developer Portal found in Portal Manager > API Docs for managing the technical documentation of APIs. See more in the API Docs page.


Applications that consume APIs, either from Sensedia or other providers. Apps that consume Sensedia APIs are registered and managed by the portal administrator in Developer Portal > Apps. Apps that consume AWS APIs are registered in Developer Portal > Apps and managed by the portal administrator in Portal Manager > Consumers > Apps. See more in the Apps overview page.

AWS Access Key ID

See Access Key.

AWS Secret Access Key

See Secret access key.


Catalog (API catalog)

Area of the Developer Portal (portal) dedicated to displaying API documentation. The management of the API catalog content is done by the portal administrator in Portal Manager > Products and Portal Manager > Portal > Products. See more in the Catalog page.

Client ID

Part of the security credential required to configure a connection with the Sensedia gateway. See more in the Security Credentials page.

Client secret

Part of the security credential required to configure a connection with the Sensedia gateway. See more in the Security Credentials page.


Functionality of the Sensedia Developer Portal found in the Portal Manager for managing connections (integrations) with the gateway, which can be Sensedia or third-party. Connections can be native (Native connection) or non-native (Non-native connection). See more in the Connections page.


Consumers of API technical documentation, which can be developers or applications. The management of consumers is done by the portal administrator in Portal Manager > Consumers. See more in the Consumers page.


Developer portal

1. Sensedia Developer Portal: Sensedia product for creating and managing developer portals. It includes the Portal Manager and the created portal instances.
2. Developer Portal: developer portal instance, which can be customized by the portal administrator in Portal Manager > Portal > Appearance. See how to customize the portal in the Appearance page.
For more details, see the Developer Portal vs Portal Manager page.



Area of the Developer Portal (portal) dedicated to displaying pages (guides) such as blogs, tutorials, user guides, and other information. The management of the pages (e.g., creation and editing of pages and subpages using markdown, organization of their hierarchy with click and drag) is done by the portal administrator in Portal Manager > Guides. See more in the Guides (Developer Portal) and Guides (Portal Manager) pages.


Invite (Invitation)

Email sent to developers to create accounts to access the content of the Developer Portal. The management and sending is done by the portal administrator in Portal Manager > Invitations. See more in the Invitations page.



Ability to connect to one or more gateways, which can be from Sensedia or third parties. See how to configure the connection with the gateway in the Connections page.


Native connection

Type of connection that allows automatic import and update of APIs (for Sensedia gateways) and manual import (for gateways from other providers). See more in the connection and how to obtain security credentials pages.

Non-native connection

Connection that allows manual registration of APIs, without integration with the environment for automatic import and/or update. Enables the creation of API catalogs that will be exposed in the Developer Portal. See more in the connection and importing APIs manually pages.


Portal Manager (Portal Manager)

System used by the administrators of the Developer Portal. Its identity and access management is controlled by Access Control.


Grouping of APIs that is exposed in the Catalog tab of the Developer Portal. See more in the page on how to register and manage products.

Portals (Portals)

Area of the Portal Manager for creating and managing developer portals. See more in the page on Portals.


Secret access key

Security credential that protects your AWS account. Usually created together with the Access Key ID. The Secret access key is required to configure a connection with an AWS gateway.



Address (HTTP endpoint) used by an application to automatically send data in real-time to another application when specific events occur, allowing the receiving application to process the event data immediately. It is necessary to implement the webhook for AWS Apps created by Developer Portal users to be automatically approved. See more in the Webhook page.

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