Security Credentials

To connect with Sensedia gateways and consume their APIs, you need security credentials. See how to obtain them for:

  • API Management 5.x

  • API Platform 4.x

Super Admin access is needed to create security credentials.

API Management 5.x

The access and security management for API Management 5.x is controled via Access Control.

See how to obtain security credentials for connections with API Management 5.x.

API Platform 4.x

Follow the steps to create an access token for connections with API Platform 4.x, providing the following parameters:

  • In step 1 of the Access Tokens creation process, under Basic Info:

    • Expires in: leave this field blank so the token does not expire;

    • App: select API Platform Integration.

      In Extra fields:

  • Key: enter userId;

  • Value: enter your user ID (the user used to create the token).

    Parameters to create an access token

  • In step 2, Apps and Plans, select:

    • API Manager 3.0.0: Trace Decrypt Plan;

    • API Finder 3.0.0: API Finder Plan.
      Apps and plans to create an access token

      Click the button ">" in the bottom right corner of the screen and Publish your access token
      Botão >

  • If necessary, you can use the search bar to search by keyword or browse through the pages.

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