Product catalog

All registered products are displayed in this tab under Portals, as in a product catalog.

This catalog allows you to easily manage your portal by selecting which products you want published.

The products are displayed in cards.

Each card contains:

  • Title: The name of the product is displayed as the title of the card;

  • Description: A descriptive text for the product;

  • Toggle switch, located in the lower right corner of the card, changes the status from published to unpublished and vice versa.

To change this information, you need to edit the product. You can change the product description, remove or add an API and change the name of the product.

The search field is located right above the product catalog.

You can search for the product by name or by API.

If a product is not listed here, check if it is properly registered in Products. See: how to register a product.

Publishing a product on Developer Portal

It is very easy to publish a product on your Developer Portal. You can switch between published and unpublished by clicking the toggle button located in the lower right corner of the card.

When you switch the toggle to unpublish, the product will no longer be displayed on your portal. However, the product will still be registered and will be displayed in the product catalog in Portals.

animation showing product being published and unpublished

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