Log Obfuscation
This interceptor is used to obfuscate selected data (present in the header or body of the request or response) from Trace logs.
To create Trace logs (accessed by clicking the ![]() |
Configuring the interceptor
To configure the Log Obfuscation interceptor, you must inform the Location (body or header) of the information to be hidden. If the information that you want to ommit is located in the body of the request, inform a custom regular expression (Custom regex) to identify this information. If it is in the header, inform the Attribute, in lowercase. At last, define the symbols to be used in its place (in the field Replace to).

It is possible to hide multiple pieces of information with a single Log Obfuscation interceptor using a suitable regular expression (as explained here). This is valid for information located in the header of the request. |
Examples of hiding a single piece of information
Imagine that the body of a request contains the following information:
"name": "Jonathan Crane",
"alias": "Scarecrow",
"baseOfOperations": [
"Gotham City",
"Arkham Asylum"
"status": {
"alignment": "bad",
"citizenship": "american",
"maritalStatus": "single",
"occupation": [
"serial killer",
"former psychiatrist",
"university professor"
"active": true
"characteristics": {
"gender": "male",
"height": 1.83,
"weight": 64,
"eyes": "blue",
"hair": "brown"
You have to create a suitable regular expression to hide a field.
For example, if you want to obfuscate the "name"
field, you can add the following settings:

As a result, Trace will show the following log for this request:
"name": **********,
"alias": "Scarecrow",
"baseOfOperations": [
"Gotham City",
"Arkham Asylum"
"status": {
"alignment": "bad",
"citizenship": "american",
"maritalStatus": "single",
"occupation": [
"serial killer",
"former psychiatrist",
"university professor"
"active": true
"characteristics": {
"gender": "male",
"height": 1.83,
"weight": 64,
"eyes": "blue",
"hair": "brown"
To obfuscate the "occupation"
field, you can add the following settings:

As a result, Trace will show the following log for this request:
"name": "Jonathan Crane",
"alias": "Scarecrow",
"baseOfOperations": [
"Gotham City",
"Arkham Asylum"
"status": {
"alignment": "bad",
"citizenship": "american",
"maritalStatus": "single",
"occupation": ##########,
"active": true
"characteristics": {
"gender": "male",
"height": 1.83,
"weight": 64,
"eyes": "blue",
"hair": "brown"
Finally, to obfuscate the "characteristics"
field, you can add the following settings:

As a result, Trace will show the following log for this request:
"name": "Jonathan Crane",
"alias": "Scarecrow",
"baseOfOperations": [
"Gotham City",
"Arkham Asylum"
"status": {
"alignment": "bad",
"citizenship": "american",
"maritalStatus": "single",
"occupation": [
"serial killer",
"former psychiatrist",
"university professor"
"active": true
"characteristics": {****}
Combining those three interceptors sequentially, Trace will show the following Log for this request:
"name": **********,
"alias": "Scarecrow",
"baseOfOperations": [
"Gotham City",
"Arkham Asylum"
"status": {
"alignment": "bad",
"citizenship": "american",
"maritalStatus": "single",
"occupation": ##########,
"active": true
"characteristics": {****}
However, a better way to obfuscate multiple fields is to use a single comprehensive regular expression (see examples below).
Example of hiding information contained in the header
To obfuscate information contained in the header of the request, select the location and inform the attribute.
The attribute must be written using lowercase letters. |
Attributes entered in capital letters or starting with a capital letter will not be hidden and thus will appear in the Trace log.
Example configuration to hide the authorization attribute:

As a result, Trace will show the following log for this request:
host: api-testing.sensedia.com authorization: ********** user-agent: PostmanRuntime/7.28.4 accept: */* postman-token: 1234a-bcd5-67abc-defg789xyz accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br x-forwarded-for: 123.45.678.900 x-forwarded-proto: https x-envoy-external-address: 123.45.678.900 x-request-id: abcdefg-456f-789g-00gh-hijk10 content-length: 0
Configure one Log Obsfuscation interceptor for each attribute you want to obfuscate. For header attributes, you can’t configure multiple information within the same interceptor.
See below how to obfuscate multiple information from fields that are in the body of the request.
Regular expression for multiple information fields
When the data set is part of a JSON, a regular expression for multiple information follows the structure:
The "\s*" of the regular expression is used to ignore any white spaces between key and value. |
Both keys (information) and regex for each type of value must be separated by "|".
The regex for the corresponding value types are:
numbers, booleans and null:
simple arrays:
simple objects:
Examples of hiding multiple pieces of information
Now, imagine that the body of a request contains the following information:
"name": "Pamela Lillian Isley",
"alias": "Poison Ivy",
"baseOfOperations": "Gotham City",
"status": {
"alignment": "neutral",
"citizenship": "american",
"maritalStatus": "single",
"occupation": [
"active": true
"characteristics": {
"gender": "female",
"height": 1.68,
"weight": 50,
"eyes": "green",
"hair": "red"
For example, to simultaneously hide the "name"
, "occupation"
and "characteristics"
fields, you can add the following settings:

As a result, Trace will show the following log for this request:
"alias": "Poison Ivy",
"baseOfOperations": "Gotham City",
"status": {
"alignment": "neutral",
"citizenship": "american",
"maritalStatus": "single",
"active": true
On the other hand, to simultaneously hide the "name"
, "citizenship"
, "maritalStatus"
, "active"
, "height"
and "weight"
fields, it’s enough to replace the previous regex with:
As a result, Trace will show the following log for this request:
"alias": "Poison Ivy",
"baseOfOperations": "Gotham City",
"status": {
"alignment": "neutral",
"occupation": [
"characteristics": {
"gender": "female",
"eyes": "green",
"hair": "red"
Unlike the case where multiple interceptors were used, the symbols applied to obfuscate the information are necessarily the same. |
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