OAuth 2.0 API on the Sensedia platform

How the OAuth 2.0 API works

The diagram below illustrates how the OAuth 2.0 API works with Sensedia API Platform.

image illustrating application client arrow to api oauth 2 point 0 arrow to authorization server

The API communicates with the Authorization service, which is already implemented using the OAuth 2.0 protocol and is responsible for managing access keys.

Please note that the API must be deployed on the Sensedia gateway.

The OAuth 2.0 API is the responsibility of the platform users, who may customize it and who should keep it updated, following best practices and using its resources consciously.

To make it easier, we provide a standard OAuth 2.0 API template. See below for how to use it.

Import the "OAuth Example 2.0" API

Before importing our template, please note that:

  • The file: "update_oAuth.json" contains the API "OAuth 2.0 example":
    oauth api example

  • If you already have an API with the same name, a dialog box (shown below) will appear.
    Your API will be overwritten if you proceed.
    oauth api warningbox

See how to use the template:

  1. Download the OAuth 2.0. template.

  2. Unzip the "oAuth_example_api.zip" folder

  3. Import the JSON file "update_oAuth.json" into the platform using the Import/Export resource.

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