Creating an Integration

1. Create authorizations

  1. Click the Authorizations card;

  2. Click the + AUTHORIZATIONS button;

  3. Select the authorization type;

  4. Fill in its form;

  5. Click SAVE.

Creating an authorization

authorization quick guide

Learn more about creating and configuring Authorizations.

2. Create an integration flow

  1. Click the Integration Flows card;

  2. Click the + NEW FLOW button;

    The screen will be blocked once it opens. To unblock it, type a unique name and version for the integration flow.
  3. Click SAVE.

Creating an integration flow

creating a flow

3. Set up environment variables

  1. Click the box icon button, on the editing menu on the left;

  2. Fill in the Name and Description fields, in the INFORMATION section;

  3. Click the + ADD A NEW VARIABLE button, in the ROOT section;

  4. Fill in the following fields:

    • Type: select the type of the variable.

    • Variable: enter the name of the variable. You cannot register the same variable more than once.

    • Value: enter the value of the variable.

  5. Click SAVE.

Setting up environment variables


Learn more about creating and configuring Environment Variables.

4. Add and configure the steps on the canvas

By default, you will see the flowStartIcon Start and flowEndIcon End steps on the canvas. They mark the beginning and the end of the integration flow, respectively.


To start the integration flow, add a trigger step.

  1. Click the triggersIcon icon, on the editing menu on the left;

  2. Select a trigger;

    The trigger will replace the flowStartIcon Start button as soon as you add it to the canvas.

  3. Fill it its form;

  4. Click SAVE.

The trigger allows only one connection to the next step.
Configuring a Scheduler Trigger


Learn more about configuring Triggers.


Now, add a step connector to the integration flow.

  1. Click the hub icon with a plus sign icon, on the editing menu on the left;

  2. Select a connector;

    Each step allows only one connection to the previous step and one connection to the next step.
  3. Configure the connector;

  4. Click SAVE.

Configuring a connector

connector quick guide

After connecting and configuring the steps, the alert icon red exclamation point icon will disappear.
Learn more about configuring Connectors.

General Tools

General tools perform operations with data within the integration flow.

This step is not mandatory.
  1. Click the wrench icon icon, on the editing menu on the left;

  2. Select a tool;

  3. Fill in its form;

  4. Click SAVE.

Configuring the For Each tool

for each quick guide

Learn about the different General Tools and how to configure them.

5. Save the integration flow and execute it using Test Mode

After saving your integration flow, execute it to check if there are any errors before deploying it.

  1. Click the button TEST MODE in the upper right corner.

  2. (Optional) If you used the Rest trigger in your flow, enter the execution payload in the Body field and enter the Headers and Query Params values.

  3. Click the EXECUTE button to execute your integration flow.

  4. Check the execution information on the Execution Info section;

  5. Click open in newIcon View Log to check the log details of the execution.

Testing your integration flow

test mode quick guide

Learn more about Test Mode.

6. Deploy the integration flow

  1. Click the DEPLOY button in the upper right corner.

  2. Fill in the following fields:

    • Description (optional): the deployment description.

    • Environment: a selection field to choose the environment of the deployment. You may choose between:

      • Staging (enabled by default)

      • Production

    • Value (optional): the environment variables value registered. Editable field.

      All the other fields are read-only.
  3. Click DEPLOY in the bottom right corner to deploy your flow.

Deploy your integration flow

deploy quick guide

Learn more about Deploy.
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