Test Mode

The Test Mode feature button executes an integration flow so you can analyze and troubleshoot before deploying it.

You can run Test Mode partially even if you have not finished building your integration flow. If a step is disconnected from other steps, it will not be executed.

If the flow you built uses environment variables, this button will execute the test using the default values set in Environment Variables.

Test Mode is available if:

  • All mandatory information in the configuration forms is filled in;

  • The flow includes at least one trigger;

  • The flow is saved before the test execution.

test mode button

Configuring Test Mode

Test Mode configuration varies depending on the type of trigger you are using. There are two types:

Next, learn how to configure the execution information for each type.

Rest Trigger

  1. Click the TEST MODE button in the top right corner.

  2. (Optional) On Test Mode screen, fill in the following fields:

    • Body: enter the payload for the execution.

    • Headers

      • Name: enter a name for the Header value. Limit of 40 characters.

      • Value: enter the value.

        To add more values, click the moreIcon button.

    • Query Params

      • Name: enter a name for the Query Params value.

      • Value: enter the value.

        To add more values, click the moreIcon button.

        To expand or hide the values of the fields above, click the arrow icon downward pointing arrow icon. You can also use scrolling if you want to view all three fields expanded.

        The green check sign indicates that the fields have been filled.

  3. Click the EXECUTE button.

  4. Check the execution response on Execution Info.

test mode rest trigger

Scheduler Trigger

  1. Click the TEST MODE button in the top right corner.

    On the Test Mode screen, the fields Body, Headers and Query Params are blocked for the Scheduler Trigger.

  2. Click the EXECUTE button.

  3. Check the execution response on Execution Info.

test mode scheduler trigger

Execution Info

The Execution Info section displays the details of the integration flow’s execution. Here you can see:

  • Execution Status: the status of the execution. It can be deploying, success or error.

  • Execution ID: the identification of the execution.

  • Start Time: start date and time of the execution.

  • End Time: end date and time of the execution.

  • Duration: the total execution time in milliseconds.

  • View Log open in newIcon: by clicking this button, you can view the detailed execution logs in Sensedia Analytics.

execution info
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