
  • Description: the Mail component is used for sending and receiving emails. It is often divided into three main protocols:

    • IMAP for accessing and managing emails on the server.

    • POP3 for downloading emails from the server.

    • SMTP for sending emails.


  • Description: the IMAP protocol is used to receive emails, allowing access to multiple mail folders and handling messages directly on the server.

    IMAPS is a secure version of IMAP that transmits encrypted data using SSL/TLS.
  • Example

    • The flow is triggered every 60 seconds by the Scheduler.

    • On each execution, it connects to Gmail’s IMAP server using the provided credentials and retrieves unread emails from the "INBOX" folder.

    • Then, it logs the content of the retrieved emails.



- from:
    uri: "scheduler:mySchedulerName"
        timeUnit: SECONDS
        delay: 60
      - to:
          uri: "imaps://"
            username: "yourusername"
            password: "yourpassword"
            folder: "INBOX"
            delay: 10000
            includeSeen: false
      - to:
          uri: "log:INFO"
      - log:
          message: "Fetched Email: ${body}"
component imaps connector


  • Description: the POP3 component is used to retrieve emails from POP3 servers, allowing Camel to access the inbox, read the messages, and process them automatically in an integration flow.

    POP3S is a secure version of POP3 that transmits encrypted data using SSL/TLS.
  • Example

    • The flow is triggered every 60 seconds by the Scheduler trigger.

    • When the route is triggered, the POP3 connector connects to the Gmail server and attempts to fetch unread emails using the provided credentials.

    • The delete: false parameter indicates that the messages should not be deleted after being read.

    • The unseen: true parameter specifies that only unread messages should be retrieved.

    • After retrieving the emails, the integration uses the log component to log the received information.

    • The showAll: true parameter ensures that all email details, including headers, body, and other relevant information, are displayed in the log.



- from:
    uri: "scheduler:emailScheduler"
      delay: "60000"
      - to:
          uri: "pop3s://"
            username: ""
            password: "your password"
            delete: false
            unseen: true
      - to:
           uri: "log:email"
             showAll: true
component pop3s connector


  • Description: the [SMTP] component is used to send emails to SMTP servers, allowing Camel to send messages with custom content, attachments, and recipients in an integration flow.

    SMTPS is a secure version of SMTP that transmits data encrypted using SSL/TLS.
  • Example

    • When a POST request is received at the endpoint /hello, the flow sends an email through the Gmail SMTP server using a secure connection (SMTPS).

    • URI parameters:

      • username: "yourusername": the username of the Gmail account being used for authentication.

      • password: "yourpassword": the password for the Gmail account.



- from:
    uri: "rest:post:/hello"
    - to:
        uri: "smtps://"
          username: "yourusername"
          password: "yourpassword"
component smtps
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