Thanks for your feedback!
The Process EIP adds custom logic within an integration flow, such as:
Attaching or detaching files when sending emails.
Uploading files to a URL using multipart/form-data.
Adding an attachment
- setHeader:
name: "SensediaAttachmentName"
constant: "invoice.pdf"
- process:
ref: "#class:com.sensedia.ipaas.camel.processor.AddAttachmentProcessor"
Removing an attachment
- setHeader:
name: "SensediaAttachmentName"
constant: "*"
- process:
ref: "#class:com.sensedia.ipaas.camel.processor.RemoveAttachmentProcessor"
In the constant
field of the setHeader
step , you can specify the name of the file to be removed or use *
to remove all attached files.
Share your suggestions with us!
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