Cloud Providers

AWS Lambda

  • Description: the AWS Lambda component supports AWS Lambda functions: create, get, list, delete, and invoke.

  • Example

    • In the flow, a POST request is received at the endpoint /hello, triggering a sequence of actions.

    • First, the flow logs a message indicating that the request has been received.

    • Then, it invokes a specific function in AWS Lambda (operation: "invokeFunction"), using access credentials (access key and secret key) for authentication.

    • After invoking the Lambda function, a new message is logged.



- from:
    uri: "rest:post:/hello"
      - log:
          message: "The request has been received"
      - to:
          uri: "aws2-lambda://sensedia-integration-camel-poc-lambda"
            accessKey: "{{AWS_ACCESS_KEY}}"
            secretKey: "{{AWS_SECRET_KEY}}"
            operation: "invokeFunction"
      - log:
          message: "The Lambda function has been invoked"
component aws lambda
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