

Get to know the interface and elements of the Source screen to create and deploy your integrations:

source overview

  1. Script editor: editing box to add integration scripts. The main.yaml label above the editing box indicates that this is the main integration file.

  2. Errors: displays existing errors in the structure of the main integration script file after performing a validation.

  3. Source:

    • Flow: folder that contains the main integration flow script file.

    • Resources: folder to create and store files with additional scripts.

    • Flow Variables: registry of variables applied to the integration flow in the Production and Staging environments.

  4. Source Code: mode for creating and viewing the integration in code format.

  5. Diagram: mode for viewing the integration in diagram format. Provides the functionality to edit simple parameters of EIPs and components.

  6. Fields in the upper left corner:

    • Name: displays the current flow name.

    • Version: displays the current flow version.

  7. Menu options in the upper right corner:

    • Save All: saves the entire project (the main.yaml script and additional files).

    • Deploy: deploys the current integration flow.

    • Additional settings gearIcon:

      • Description: adds or edits the flow description.

      • Deployments: accesses the Deployments screen.

      • Delete: deletes the current flow and all additional files.

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