On Exception

The tool On Exception is a step that executes alternative routes when there are errors that don’t return a status code. This way, the execution of the integration flow is not interrupted.

Now, learn how to add it to the canvas and how to configure its form.

Add On Exception to the canvas

  1. Click the wrench icon with a plus sign icon from the editing menu on the left.

  2. Select On Exception to add it to the canvas. You can use the search bar search steps icon to find it.

    You can add On Exception as many times as you need. In this case, each time you add this tool, a number is added next to its name (On Exception 1, On Exception 2, On Exception 3).
  3. Connect On Exception to a step’s output connection and add subsequent steps to create an exception flow.

The connection between On Exception and the step immediately before will have a dotted line to distinguish the exception flow from the main flow. When you hover the mouse over the step, you will see a tooltip that indicates it is an exception flow.

On Exception general connection rules

  • On Exception indicates the beginning of the exception flow and must be connected to a connector’s output connection.

  • On Exception can have more than one input connection. That means that different connectors can execute the same exception flow.

  • On Exception can have only one output connection.

  • Rest API Connector can connect to only one On Exception.

  • It’s mandatory to connect the exception flow to the step End of the main flow.

  • In case you delete the line that connects On Exception to another step, you will see the alert icon on On Exception.

Exception flow within For Each

You can create an exception flow with On Exception within For Each.

In this case, the following rules apply:

For Each Rest API On Exception

"Ignore Errors" enabled →

"Ignore Errors" disabled →

will be executed and will go to the next iteration

"Ignore Errors" disabled →

"Ignore Errors" disabled →

will be executed and will NOT go to the next iteration

"Ignore Errors" enabled →

"Ignore Errors" enabled →

will NOT be executed and will NOT go to the next iteration

Configure the form

  1. Select On Exception tool on the canvas.

  2. Click the pencil icon editing icon.

  3. Fill in the following fields:

    • Name: enter a unique name for the step. By default, you will see it as "On Exception". Alphanumeric field with a limit of 20 characters. White spaces and special characters are not allowed.

    • Exception: select the exceptions to execute the alternative route. To delete any one of them, you must select it one by one.

      To delete all the exceptions selected, click X, on the right of the selected exceptions.
      Table 1. List of exceptions

      Network Errors - Connection Timeout

      Network Errors - Socket Error

      DNS Resolution Error - Host Not Found

      SSL/TLS Errors - SSL Handshake Failure

      Timeout Errors - Read/ Write Timeout

      General Exception

    • Retry interval (ms): add the time interval between the retries, in milliseconds. The default interval is 5000ms and the maximum interval is 30000ms.

    • Retry Quantity: add the quantity of retries. The default quantity is 2 retries and the maximum quantity is 5 retries.

      By clicking the Properties icon of a list icon on the right, you can:

      1. Select previously registered variables.

      2. Select input or output payloads from previous steps.

      3. Create expressions using the Expression Builder.

  4. When you finish configuring the form, click CONFIRM.

on exception

To copy the step On Exception and its configuration, click the tool icon on the canvas and click the button copy icon, on the right.

To delete On Exception from the canvas, select it and click the button trash can icon.

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